We as humans are not the only ones that have issues, our pets also have there own evolution and experiences as well. When working with animals I use a combination of Kinesiology and Sacred activations as both are a great way to help to understand your pets on a deeper level. Things may have occurred before they come into our lives or may have picked them up along the way. In a session I will use a combination of Kinesiology and Sacred activations to help identify what is happening for your furry friend and what is needed to bring them back into balance.

1.  Adoptive Issues - This helps to clears the trauma and loneliness of being adopted. It clears the feelings of exclusion, anger and abandonment associated with being adopted or feeling orphaned. It connects them to their new family.

2. Animal Cruelty – Maybe your animal was treated really badly before coming to you.   

3. Bodies in Balance – To balance the body, organs and chakras of your animals for healing.  If your animal needs physical healing, this is a great session.

4.  Digestive System – Help to clear and balance the digestive system.

5. Disconnection from the FEAR of Lack and Scarcity – For those who are greedy eaters, which can be a sign of the shock and trauma from lack, starvation and abuse.

6. Disconnect from Slave Mentality- This will help clear any trauma around being used in races or work, great for horses.

7. Fears, Phobias, Anger, Resentment – Clearing the animals of any fears, phobias, anger or resentment.

8. Human Caretaker Issues – Animals are natural empaths and tend to take on the health and emotional issues of their caretakers.  This session will  help to release the animal from the need to take on the issues of their human family.

9. I Am Worthy - This will release patterns that keep animals from feeling worthy

10. Jealousy - This will help them release the means, desire, belief, or energy around jealousy.

11. Feeling Loved -  This can help to release old sorrows, sadness, loss and loneliness. Humans are sometimes too busy to pay proper attention to their animals and so they feel neglected and act out.  This will help them feel the love that they are craving..

12. PTSD release for Pets– There are many pets that are stuck in the emotions of traumas that have happened to them in their lives, this session will allow them to release the memories of trauma that keeps them reliving or attracting trauma into their lives, this can even be part of the problem of many aggressive behaviours and attacks.  Most of the time when animals are aggressive and attack it is because they are afraid for their lives.

13. Deactivation from Vaccines or toxins: This helps to remove the toxins from the vaccines your pet may have had and help bring their body back into balance again.

These session can be done through Phone/ Skype.

Pet Healing session 30mins $80

15 mins extra $15

Hi Marissa, thank you sooooo much for your amazing kinesiology healing on Monday 😃 OMG what a massive difference to both of us, the clearing was magic and Sunshine has been so much more mobile and definately has her Mojo back, cant thank you enough for the difference you have made for both of us. I can even talk about her without crying now 😛
— Niki Logan, Gold Coast Queensland