The Importance of Our Emotions


Our Emotions are part of being human and our journey here on Earth, each emotion gives us a depth of experience and access to a greater understanding of who we are beyond the limited perception of our mind.

As we begin to explore our emotions we can dive in and be transported into the hidden realms of our subconscious/unconscious, it is here that we can meet our creativity, have intimate and deep relationship with others and fully embrace life. 

As we move through our emotions without judgement they can reveal to us our deeply held beliefs about life and ourselves and from here we can begin to question and decided if they are still relevant or serving us now.

As we grow taller we are often taught to shut down and no longer explore or express the full spectrum of our emotions, we have been lead to believe that certain emotions are negative and to avoid them at all costs, this programming stops us from getting to know ourselves at a deep level, reaching our full potential and accepting ourselves exactly as we are.

So what happens when we start to suppress our emotions and tell ourselves we are okay when we are not?

I believe this is where we start to loose our connection to our higher and our multifaceted self, we begin to operate purely from the mind and enter a world of intellect that doesn’t feed or nourish the soul.

Emotions are important and have something to teach us, they give us depth and keep us connected to the magic of life, they allow us to embrace all aspect of the journey the good the bad and the ugly while understandings we live in a world of duality. 

When we can embrace our emotions such as anger, sadness or disappointment they can then become a messenger. Anger can be showing us someone has steeped over a boundary or that we haven’t been respected, we may also see there is a need to become assertive and speak our truth. 

If we feel sadness with a relationship ending it can tell us how much we cared and that our heart has been open and help us to understand that grief and loss are part of life. 

Our emotions only ask for our attention and acceptance, it is an amazing tool for self discovery.

Exercise 1: 

What Emotions do you suppress ?

How do you feel when you suppress emotions?

What would your life be like if all emotions where valid?

What emotions are you comfortable with and which are you not ? Why not?

Why do you suppress your emotions?

What is your belief about emotions that you have been taught?

How do small children deal with emotions? What happens after they feel and release?

Exercise 2:

Let go of what you are thinking and ask yourself “what am I feeling?”

(If you can’t get in touch with how you are feeling start to journal until you connect with the subconscious mind, let go of any expectation just allow it flow.)

Allow your feeling to be valid and okay no matter what they are ( let go of any judgement of yourself for feeling like that.) 

Feel deeply for 5 mins then

look for the belief behind the emotion and

Ask “ Is this true?” 

Decide if you want to keep it or change it


Emotions are just as much a part of who we are as our body, mind and spirit. When we connect, take responsibility and allow all of our emotions we can then become more of our true self. As we learn to embrace all aspects of who we are we being to feel whole and complete and can live an authentic life.


  • All Emotions are Valid.

  • Emotions teach us about ourselves and the world around us.

  • If emotions are suppressed it can lead to illness, depression,tiredness and disconnection.

  • Learn to love all emotions.

Acceptance of all emotions is an important step on your journey, you cannot fully accept joy if you don’t allow and accept sadness.


  • Learning to feel ( observe a child on how they feel, express and process emotion)

  • Journal Writing, painting, drawing, 

  • Walking in Nature

  • Punching a pillow if angry and frustrated or exercising

  • Talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

  • Understanding we are 100% responsible for how we feel allows us to feel empowered as we embrace all of who we are.

Marissa Miccoli